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- Have you ever wished you could have 80 columns of text actually ON the
- screen at once? How about 24 rows of text, instead of only 23? Well,
- this program can help you out, and still leave your window showing in
- the borders!
- ScreenSizer will allow you to specify the number of rows and columns of
- pixels to be displayed on the screen, as well as modifying the offset
- from the upper left corner of the screen so that your window will be
- centered on your display.
- The following is an excerpt from the author's source text:
- * Thad Floryan, 7 March 1987
- *
- * Sets the Preferences data for increasing the window bounds. From the
- * default parameters, RowSizeChange and ColumnSizeChange are the values
- * added to the window size. ViewXOffset and ViewYOffset are the delta
- * from the default upper left corner.
- *
- * Usage:
- *
- * CLI> ScreennSizer [ row.delta col.delta [-xoffset -yoffset]]
- *
- * argv: [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
- * argc: 1 2 3 4 5
- *
- * no args causes the present values to be displayed, else
- * row.delta is the number of rows (V) to be added
- * col.delta is the number of columns (H) to be added
- * xoffset is the upper left corner x delta,
- * usually negative
- * yoffset is the upper left corner y delta,
- * usually negative
- *
- * Note: the Preferences structure is exactly the size of and is stored
- * in SYS:DEVS/system-configuration. This program calls
- * RethinkDisplay() for an immediate screen update if parameters are
- * changed; to save the parameters permanently, use the Preferences
- * program.
- *
- * This program inspired by Neil Katin's "MoreRows" and enhanced/fixed
- * from Marco Papa's "MyMoreRows".
- Instead of using the Preferences program, you may choose to save the
- system-configuration with my Prefs program from Amigan Disk #11.
- There is some abiguity in the above excerpt. The values you pass to
- ScreenSizer are in PIXELS, not characters or lines. The number of
- pixels you have to add to obtain more lines depends on the font. If
- you use the system default font (TOPAZ-8), it takes 8 pixels to render
- the character vertically to make one line. It just so happens that
- TOPAZ-8 also is 8 pixels wide. Thus, to make your default 77 by 23
- standard Workbench screen into an 80 by 24 screen, use the following
- recommended values:
- ScreenSizer 8 24
- This will add the necessary pixels and leave the window borders intact!
- You will have to adjust the xoffset and yoffset values yourself, as each
- monitor has different tolerances. The easiest way to adjust the offset
- values is through the Preferences program--use the screen centering gadget.
- Simply use ScreenSizer to size the screen first, then drag the centering gadget
- around in Preferences until you like the way it looks.
- Sprites don't seem to like it much when you alter the X and Y offsets of
- the screen. Programs like PacMan87 and Missile Command don't show the
- proper images for the sprites (you see something, but its usually
- garbage, seems to be a bug in the graphics library.) The only solution
- I know about is to keep an unmodified (by ScreenSizer or MoreRows) copy
- of your devs:system-configuration file around, and install it before you
- run the game. You can do this easily with the above mentioned Prefs program.
- Notes added by Jim Cooper and Bruce Drake